Defamation Per Se Cases in the Employment Context
We file lots of plaintiff-side cases, primarily in the employment context. But the single best plaintiff-side claim under Florida law is a claim for defamation
Employee Rights: Navigating the EEOC Process and Getting to Court
The purpose of this post is to help employees understand the EEOC process, navigate that process, and ultimately get their case to court. Jonathan Pollard
Litigation Train Wrecks (Again): A Decade of Lessons
Once again, I am going to discuss what I term litigation train wrecks. I address the specific variant of litigation train wreck that I see
Federal District Courts are Misapplying the Law in Discrimination Cases
I’m going to talk about discrimination cases and judicial activism. Simply put: Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56 provides that summary judgment can only be
Never Stay in Florida State Court: Remove Everything
Today I am talking about removal. And not just talking about it. I am giving you the bottom line. I have litigated 200+ cases, with
What I’ve Learned in 12+ Years of Defending Non-Compete Cases
I’ve actually been defending non-compete cases for longer than 12 years. It’s a little over 12 years if you only count the time since I